Gain Early Access With Our Marketing Planner

Let's simplify your go-to-launch marketing in 3-easy steps.

Is Marketing a Pain for You?

Say goodbye to launch stress. Our marketing planner is great for solopreneurs, creators, and builders like you who find marketing a pain in a butt.Still, you want to launch your product successfully. 👇 Keep scrolling 👇

Marketing Planner Notion Template

Our Marketing Planner Will Help You:

Take Action

A 3-step blueprint via a Notion Template to plan + checklist + market your launch.

Remove Over Analysis

[WIP] An exclusive library of video tutorials + AI prompts + real examples will be given.

Guided Feedback + Expert Advice

Receive personalised marketing advice for your upcoming product launch.

What's are the 3-Steps?

Step 1. Persona: Who is this product for?
Step 2. Problem: How does your product solve their issues?
Step 3. Promotion: How to market your product.

Hi, I'm String

String Nguyen Marketing Planner

With 15+ years of experience, I know what it’s like to develop and launch digital products. As a creator and founder, I created this marketing planner to help you navigate the challenges I’ve faced. I wished something like this existed when I first launched multiple things and struggled.But I didn’t give up! I honed my skills and found success. Now, I want to help you do the same.Here are some of my stories:
Created a 5-day LinkedIn Challenge: Generated 5 million views collectively.
Launched an NFT Brand: Sold 8,888 items to generate $3.4 million.
Grew a Marketing Membership: Grew to 100 members using just a Google Doc.
Built a Large Following: Collectively 95,000+ followers across social channels.
Fun Fact: I love fried chicken and have organised 50+ fried chicken parties to build my global community.
You can connect with me on X or IG: stringstory

Do you want to launch successfully?

We’re looking for real examples to share with everyone. Drop your email below - We love to help you succeed:Gain Early Access: Be the first to use our marketing planner.
Complimentary Strategy Session: The first 10 sign-ups get a 30-minute session with String.

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You've been added to the list, we'll let you know the next steps. We're planning to launch with the Marketing Planner - 13th Aug.